Today we’d like to introduce you to Kelly Nichols – Scott.
Hi Kelly, it’s an honor to have you on the platform. Thanks for taking the time to share your story with us – to start maybe you can share some of your backstories with our readers?
This story begins with “Dear God, tell me please, what I need to do with my life?” “How do I sustain myself and be of service to others? “How do I raise my daughter, work, and fulfill my heart’s desire?” Yes, I was also going through a life crisis, called divorce. These tearful questions took me to Costa Rica, where I decided to study for my certification in Massage Therapy. I packed my bags and my daughter of 12 years of age, at the time and moved to Samara, Costa Rica in 2009.
Upon arrival, I clasped in an emotional, mental breakdown, thinking I have made a terrible mistake and tried desperately to get a flight back to the states, but no flights were available. After speaking with the dean at my massage school, I decided to give it a chance. It only took 3 days and I was hooked. I fell in love with nature’s abundance, the beaches, the monkeys. I found a tutor for my daughter, so she could learn Spanish before attending public schools. Literally, everything was falling into place.
Of all the varieties of modalities we studied in the program, I was most excited for the “Thai Massage course to begin. I met my first Thai teacher, Sunny Klaber. She was exactly that, “Sunny” from the inside out, she exuded love for all being. She was the one who inspired me to travel and study Thai massage in Thailand. The next winter 2011- My first journey to Thailand begin. I’ve continued to travel to Thailand each year since and haven’t looked back so much.
I have met many other teachers along the way, each time coming back to the states and teaching all that I have learned. Often, I hear, “I want to travel with you to Thailand,” after so many incredible journeys I began a “Cultural Immersion Program” design for curious minds and adventurous souls that are ready for “change” in their personal lives. That is the intention of the program. “Transformation” just as I have transformed, my hope is that others will too and reach their authenticity and true nature.
Five villages, homestays, volunteering, exchanges with indigenous tribes, visits to educational, eco-friendly centers, working with rescued elephants, you name it, we did it all, all but the tourism. In 2016, during my journey to Thailand, I met a French teacher, David Lutt. He is the initiator of Dynamic Thai and Co-creator of Osteo Thai. Osteo Thai study has taken my work to a whole new level, So, I began to follow David to his own homeland the south of France, where liked souls meet from all over Europe, to contemplate the body’s language and the exquisite artful compassionate touch of Osteo Thai.
Teachings from David is as much life principals as it is “techniques” though somehow they work hand in hand. I could see my personal life developing and qualities of patience, kindness, and nonjudgment were manifesting in my life on a deeper level. The courses that I offer were beginning to take off in the Knoxville area and also in the southern region of the United States. I have felt like a flower in blossom, and finally had a platform to share, to impart these principles, of life and living through the art of bodywork.
In 2017, Another opportunity came to my doorstep to co-own Glowing Body Yoga studio, where I am the director of Healing Arts. Glowing Body is where I meet with most of my clients and host Thai Massage training. In 2020, The courses I teach went online, and a Thai lady living in Switzerland found my course on social media, which I found to be quite ironic. She invited me to visit Switzerland next time I am in Europe, which I did this past August 2021. In a beautiful village on the French side of Switzerland, called Romainmotier. We talked of future plans to make Thai massage & Osteo Thai offerings in her village for next year.
In 2021, My master’s course in Osteo Thai was in August 2021 in the south of France which then led me to Greece, where the other half of our Sunshine network lived and taught courses. Krishnataki, (aka, Takis) originally from Greece, invited me to come to Greece to participate in his next course. I accepted the invite… Everyone else knew Takis, but me, since I am from the U.S. and traveling around Europe is not an everyday event for me, as it is for many of my colleagues. It was time to meet Takis… We both found in each other, a love for humanity, a love for bodywork, a love for living life to the fullest.
Needless to say, we loved each other from the first moment. We were kindred spirits from worlds and oceans apart. He was very complimentary of my work, my style, and my technique, so much so, that he invited me to join his next course as an assistant back in Switzerland. I kindly accepted his amazing offer, and fly back to Switzerland for the last course of my trip. Meeting another group of Europeans from all over, we had morning meditation, singing, chanting, and contemplated this unique form of bodywork.
Following your heart, following the stillness within will guide us to our authentic self-discovery. Down many roads, crossing paths of so many along the way. Stories are exchanged, no matter what language, or culture. My life story could not have unfolded better if I dreamed it BIG. All my prayers, dreams, hopes, and wishes are coming true.
Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
Not always easy, some self-sacrifice is necessary. Having a minor daughter and traveling abroad wasn’t always easy. I felt the judgments, some of which were my own judgments leaving her behind for a month at a time. She was in good hands of course.
Death in my family 3 x’s.
Leaving my clients for months at a time, always wondering if I would have any work when I returned.
Traveling is expensive, as well as leaving work for months at a time. since most of my courses are abroad. So, I have learned to make good business decisions with my home turned Airbnb since 2010. This decision can sustain me during my time away, I spent a good bit of time, looking at what I could live without, and then cut that out of my life.
Can you tell our readers more about what you do and what you think sets you apart from others?
I choose Artist/Creative because I feel this is what I do best. Create platforms, create movement, working off-script. Go with the heart of matters.
I am a Thai Yoga & Osteo Thai Therapist. I also teach as a certified instructor nationally. I believe I am best known for my style of work, from my private practice to group workshops, because of the way I let my life, which is not separate from the work I do. I believe I help to inspire others and mirror the uniqueness and contributions they make in a day working with the individual, not just in technique but in holding a space of presence.
Notice everything going on, I want others to see how amazing they are, how much they matter in our world, how perfect we are made, and how beautiful our body is, the healing machine we have within us.
In my profession, I am most proud of introducing Thai Yoga massage to the Knoxville area 2010. I believe there were others before me sprinkled throughout the years demonstrating this style of practice. I have stayed strong with my offerings over the past 11 years, as well as becoming an instructor and teaching so many other therapists the unique style of bodywork. Now, Thai Yoga is a household name for so many Knoxvillians. Before, I had to explain to the public what it is that I do. What is Thai Yoga? NOW, people call to book a session without question.
Proudest of offering Knoxvilles’ first “Thai Healing Arts Center”. This took a bold step for me, not as an individual, because this is what I have done for the past 11 years in Knoxville. But in asking the other therapist, whom I am trained to step up and identify ourselves as a new species of therapist as Thai Therapist. At Glowing body yoga I am proudest in saying, we are Knoxville’s first Thai Healing Arts Center. Our offerings range from Thai massage for Low back pain, Thai-Side-lying & herbal compression, Abdominal Thai Massage, Thai on the Table and so much more.
Another proud decision- I have set an intention for the therapists working with me at Glowing body, and who have completed the “Thai Practitioner Certification” as self employed, making an “abundant living” as therapists. What I mean in abundance, is in every category of their lives. From their self care, to finances, their community support, relationships etc. Their percentage is the best in town, and perhaps the best nationwide. So many venues for therapists are unfair, underpaid, overworked and therefore the professional lifespan for a massage therapist is 4 years. Burn out is high in this profession. I am trying to change the statistics. My aim is keeping the inspiration alive within the therapist. The desire to be a part of one’s healing journey is priceless, but we must also see that our own healing journey is equally as important. Not to give everything we have, but keep the balance of giving & receiving. I’ve developed programs on self care, called “Partner Thai”, and “Yoga, Thai yoga” . This can be a group or individualized, either way, it is putting some of the techniques, care and responsibility back in the hands of the people, and not just individuals, but entire households. “Help me, help you” kind of story.
I see no end to the inspiration, to creative programs that are fun, playful and keeping the work we do alive within us. This is a quiet profession, yes, but speaks loudly when we touch on someone’s life and add ease back into the body of those who suffer, including ourselves.
Let’s talk about our city – what do you love? What do you not love?
I like the conveniences of our city, the ease, and the causal life. I love that I can be at the lake or mountains within 30 minutes drive. The affordable life and room to grow to find your niche. I love the community support I have received in order to grow as a human being.
Contact Info:
- Email: kelly@glowingbody.net
- Website: www.dragonflythaiyoga.com and www.glowingbody.net
- Instagram: dragonflythaiyoga
- Facebook: Kelly M Nichols Scott