Today we’d like to introduce you to Brooke Gilbert.
Hi Brooke, we’re thrilled to have a chance to learn your story today. So, before we get into specifics, let’s briefly walk us through how you got to where you are today.
I began writing as therapy and wanted to see someone like myself, with autoimmune disorders, represented in fiction–specifically romantic fiction. I’m an audiobook narrator who’d auditioned for hundreds of novels over the years. I realized I wasn’t seeing anyone like myself in fiction. And as a reader, I was having a difficult enough time finding books with disability representation in them, let alone for someone with autoimmune disorders. I also wanted to write a novel to help women with chronic disorders, who may have low self-esteem because of their conditions, see that they are beautiful and worthy of love. I have been amazed at the international response and the reviews from women with autoimmune disorders who are excited to see themselves represented in the romance genre. Readers enjoy the disability and mental health representation in the novel and relate to the main character’s struggles. And I feel truly blessed!
I’ve written throughout my life, but I always felt like I needed to be a writer. I started writing books in lower, middle, and high school. None of them got very far. Suddenly, in February of 2022, my first novel, The Paris Soulmate, poured out of me in two months. And I wanted to publish it before I turned thirty. It became this arbitrary goal in my head for some reason. I was just like the character in my book who wanted to do something big (her bucket list trip) before she turned thirty. It was this special parallel that I shared with the character. Originally, the novel was never intended to be published. I was extremely blessed that people along the way encouraged me and told me that it needed to be published. They said the world needed to hear my voice. I’ll always be forever grateful to them. I lost ten pounds the month before the book was published just from sheer fear and anxiety. But the response, support, and love have been greater than I imagined. I am so thankful to everyone who has shared their kind words and taken the time to contact me. They will never know how much they have helped me and how much it has meant! Sharing a story–that, while fiction, has elements that are so personal with your chronic illnesses, fears, anxieties, and insecurities–is terrifying. And the book community has made this journey so incredible and worthwhile! 🙂
I fell ill with several rare autoimmune disorders in Physician Assistant School and was forced to withdraw. Literature, particularly romance, saw me through some of my darkest hours. I’m so happy to have found my passion for writing again. This passion is something I had always been too afraid to pursue in my life until now. And now that I’ve started, I can’t stop, and I can’t imagine doing anything else! It’s truly amazing where life will lead you.
We all face challenges, but looking back, would you describe it as a relatively smooth road?
Well, the biggest struggle believed that I was good enough to write and that I had something worthwhile to say. I have always wanted to be a writer. When asked in school by our teachers what we wanted to do with our lives, I was the kid that said, “write a children’s book for every European country,” while everyone else said something huge like “cure cancer.” But I still needed to think I was good enough to write. I was the student who avoided English classes like the plague. And whenever my work was chosen to be read out loud in class, I would sink as far down in my chair as possible. I’d criticize and tear apart every word read. Finally, my desire to see people like myself represented in romantic fiction won out over fear. I thank God that it did. And here I am. I’m so thankful for the love the book community and readers have shown me. They are amazing!
Thanks for sharing that. You could tell us more about your work.
I write sweet romcoms and romance novels with disability and mental health representation. I feature characters with autoimmune disorders and other types of chronic health issues in my novels. I strive to make my characters flawed and relatable while providing humor to discuss heavier topics. Using humor is the best way to delve and tap into these heavier issues. As one Goodreads reviewer stated about my first novel, The Paris Soulmate, “This book packed an emotional punch for sure. It’s still a cute romance, but this story hit home hard as an individual with a chronic and debilitating autoimmune condition (and fear of traveling with it).” And discussing these topics in literature will spread awareness, help readers with chronic illnesses feel seen, and also help make these topics less taboo to discuss in society. And, of course, my biggest goal is to help women with chronic disorders, who may have low self-esteem with their conditions, see that they are beautiful and worthy of love.
It is terrifying to incorporate real life into your novels. While my character’s storylines are fictional, many other facets are not, such as the faith elements, the characters’ medical backgrounds, and even some of their family backgrounds. Many of the main characters’ medical stories are also grounded in truth and based on my health experiences. The characters’ dietary restrictions, medication side effects, symptoms, and daily health struggles are ones I battle with my autoimmune disorders. For example, in my first novel, I included a scene at Mont Saint Michel that discusses the character’s faith and how it helped her survive her disorders. There are undertones of suicidal thoughts and depression. It’s all very real, and all hits very close to home. I cried pretty hard in my bathtub writing that scene. I cry every time I read it. I still haven’t figured out how I will be able to narrate it. I can’t write my novels and separate myself from them. Not when writing about something so personal as faith, love, and chronic illness. But when I receive messages from readers about how much they appreciate me writing honestly and from the heart, it makes it all worthwhile. It gives me the courage to continue.
I’m finishing edits on my second novel, The Irish Fall, and having the best time. It is set in Ireland and features a main character with Crohn’s and Endometriosis. I wanted to dive into some women’s issues that have been very difficult in my life, and I hope they will be very relevant to our society today. There are some heavier issues, but I hope the humor–especially the quirky Irish humor surrounding the main male character (MMC) and his Irish grandfather figure–will make this an enjoyable read! I believe humor is the best way to discuss and dive into these issues. Me, I think it creates a safe place to do so. The MMC battles a different invisible disorder than the main female character (MFC). I’m excited to explore this juxtaposition and see how the characters support and complete each other. I am currently starting edits on my third novel, The Roman Agenda. It’s a rom-com set in Rome. The two main characters are teachers who feel very relatable to me. The novel starts in Sevierville, TN. I’m so excited to bring some of the wonders of home to this book. The MFC battles a Rare Mast Cell Disorder and Fibromyalgia, and I’m excited to shine some light on the rare Mast Cell condition. And the chemistry was so much fun to write. The unrequited love in the novel has created so much tension and steam! I love to try to bring that while still keeping it clean 🙂
And I’m currently writing the sequel to The Paris Soulmate, The Paris Promise, and a novella, Dear Doris, which features the grandmother from the first novel. She was everyone’s favorite character. Dear Doris is set in the 60s and will be the story of how she and her husband met. It will feature diabetes and mental health representation.
Are any books, apps, podcasts, or blogs that help you do your best?
I create Spotify playlists for all of my books and movie lists and include them at the back of the novels! I also love to include art, music, and literature references throughout my novels! Jane Austen highly influences me, so you can be sure there will be some Darcy references! Art reference guides and sightseeing guides can be found at the beginning of my novels, too.
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Contact Info:
- Website: brookegilbertauthor.com
- Instagram: www.instagram.com/enchantingbrookevoiceover
- Facebook: www.facebook.com/enchantingbrookevoiceover
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/brookegauthor
- Youtube: https://youtube.com/@brookegilbertauthor
- Other: bit.ly/theparissoulmatebiblet