Today we’d like to introduce you to Ryan Bell. Them and their team share their story with us below:
Bell Family Chiropractic was founded by Dr. Ryan Bell and his family in 2018. As a graduate of Palmer Chiropractic College, Dr. Bell decided, after living for a time in Africa, Vermont, and North Dakota, a visit with Knoxville friends solidified his decision to move to the area to start his career as a practicing chiropractor with his wife, Michelle, and their four children. As his slogan states, he wanted to bring “hope, healing and new life” in an affordable manner to all that walks through his door. Dr. Bell was first introduced to hyperbaric oxygen therapy by a patient. After extensive research on the therapy, he decided to make it more available to his new hometown. After the pandemic, studies were showing patients who were suffering from Long Haul Covid symptoms were experiencing profound relief with HBOT. Lingering brain fog, fatigue, loss of sense of taste and smell among other symptoms were disappearing from patients who thought this was “just how it’s going to be” from now on after contracting Covid-19. Since then, Dr. Bell has a team working with him and has expanded his business to include laser body contouring services for those looking to reach their fitness and wellness goals. His team is passionate about long term nutrition sustainability, and loves to support their patients in any way that they can.
Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
It’s never easy moving to a new state not really knowing anyone and starting a business. All the questions are there of how and when you’ll find patients, where you’ll live, how your family will adjust to the new area, etc.
2 years into running Bell Family Chiropractic, the pandemic hit and we were forced to change the way we ran our business, which in the end helped us.
Another challenge that is ongoing is educating people on what we offer and how it can help them live the best life they can.
We’ve been impressed with Bell Family Chiropractic and Laser Contouring, but for folks who might not be as familiar, what can you share with them about what you do and what sets you apart from others?
Although quickly growing, we are a small business. We pride ourselves on the fact that we genuinely care about our patients and invest ourselves in their lives. We truly listen to their concerns and do whatever we can (even beyond chiropractic sometimes!) to help our patients. Some of our patients have told us that other chiropractic offices feel like an assembly line, where they’re in and out so fast they don’t really know what happened or if it even helped them. We make sure we are different!
As far as we know, we are the only practice in East Tennessee that offers mild Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy. We have become so busy in the last several months that there was a need to purchase a second chamber.
With our new laser body contouring services using the Erchonia Zerona Z6 laser, we are also the only practice in the state that we know of using this cutting edge technology, which is shown to produce the greatest results for overall circumference reduction and the safest in the industry!
Is there anyone you’d like to thank or give credit to?
My wife of 13 years, Michelle who helped me through chiropractic college with 3 kids, ages 3 and under at that time.
My office manager and now CA and laser tech, Courtney, who started out as my wife’s friend but believed in the business and has worked hard to make sure it continues to succeed.
Contact Info:
- Website: bellfamilychiropractic.com AND knoxvillebodycontouring.com
- Facebook: @bellfamilychirotn