Today we’d like to introduce you to Whitney Adkins.
Hi Whitney, so excited to have you on the platform. So before we get into questions about your work-life, maybe you can bring our readers up to speed on your story and how you got to where you are today?
Walk you through my story? I read this a week ago and just stared at the screen with absolutely zero ideas of what I wanted to say. I feel like my story is that of three people! Do I tell the story of how I became a mother at 17? How I was signed with my first modeling agent at the age of 11, or how I made it through multiple cuts of America’s Next Top Model only to have to give it all to be a parent?
Do I talk about dropping out of college bc between school and working nights I didn’t have enough time for my daughter? Or how did I become a business owner at the age of 23? Worked my behind off to create a life for myself and my children all to give it up as well when I became sick while pregnant with my now 6-year-old daughter? Basically, I’ve decided to share how I sacrificed the dreams I had in my life because of the role I took as a mother; a role that I love and adore, but a role that doesn’t totally define me or complete me. That will be ridiculed I’m certain. I know I’m a fantastic mother who loves her children unconditionally, but my desire to fulfill dreams that I had as a young girl has never gone away.
One day, I woke up and didn’t recognize myself anymore. Every decision I had made in my life was from a mom’s perspective. There was no room for the decisions of an empowered, capable, artistic, driven woman that I was, and suddenly I felt empty. So, three years ago, I decided it was time to choose myself. I am now a single woman, mother of four, aspiring actress/model and I’ve never felt happier.
Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
Well, I believe I answered this in the previous question, but I’ll add to it. I do not live in L. A or N. Y or even Atlanta, and so the opportunities are not easy to find. But I will say that I have met people in the past few years that see the talent that I have and thankfully have given me opportunities that I am so grateful for.
The latest project was a co-lead in the film titled, Nothing Is Impossible that was filmed here in Knoxville. Fitting name I thought. I am hoping this film will help jump-start my career as an actress and open more doors in the future.
Thanks – so what else should our readers know about your work and what you’re currently focused on?
Over the past 15 years, I have been on every side of production. From walking the runway to producing my own runway shows. From modeling for national brands to behind the scenes doing hair and makeup, or wardrobe for national commercials. I even assisted hair and makeup for two films, both of which I was on camera for as well. I know the ends and outs of production and so having me on set makes a day go by much smoother.
I have been complimented often that if another person was cast for the role that there was no way things would have been as efficient and that I bring something to the table that others do not. Can I define that something.” No! Other than I know a set, I listen to direction, and I can produce what is asked of me.
Is there a quality that you most attribute to your success?
My ability to take direction and read between the lines! Because I’ve been on the production side of things I feel I deliver a quality that is unique.
Contact Info:
- Website:
- Instagram:
- TikTok: @whitney_120