Today we’d like to introduce you to Leslie Naylor
Alright, so thank you so much for sharing your story and insight with our readers. To kick things off, can you tell us a bit about how you got started?
After surviving breast cancer my world was turned upside down after learning a horrifying truth about my marriage and that ended.
I took my youngest daughter and moved to Knoxville. During that time we were sent a video about the slaughtering of animals. We decided we were going vegetarian that day. Shortly after, I found a video on the dairy industry and went vegan that day. Over 15 years ago. No regrets.
My whole life I have rescued animals. I was the kid that always brought them home and my parents would get rid of them. Cats and dogs.
After going vegan, I began to dream about rescuing cows. They were the reason I was even vegan. I started to manifest my dream in tattoos.
I was at a crossroads. My daughter went off to college. I was still SO angry and distrusting after my marriage. I decided to leave Knoxville. Then I saw a fb ad that a Sanctuary I was following in CA was opening a location in Knoxville 20 minutes from me! What?
I knew I needed to get involved and did. Jumped in with both feet to learn as much as I possibly could. I was self employed and I was volunteering 20+ hours a week. That Sanctuary dream started to build more and more inside of me.
But wait. What if I do the first 100% vegan restaurant in Knoxville to fund the Sanctuary so we don’t have to ask for donations. That’s exactly what I did. Started Sanctuary Vegan Cafe and devoted 2 years to getting it going as I searched for land. It was working! We were building our non profit fund but still needed our spot.
Then I found the 21 acres in Sweetwater. The dream began. I had a staff at the restaurant handling that and I was rescuing and building the dream.
We had funds, no worries and began to bless so many babies. It was so great!
But. March 2020 covid hit. I had to decide between the restaurant or the animals and of course I chose the babies.
Fast forward 6 years. With a small handful of volunteers we have saved and helped so many lives. Due to sheer need, we have started helping dogs and cats in the area. We will be looking for more funding to expand on that.
This is the hardest work I have ever done. You have so many hats to wear but I look at these sweet faces and know I did exactly what I was supposed to do with my life. That’s my greatest reward.
Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
Sanctuary struggles come in all forms. Equipment failures, working with large animals. Hay field losses. That one is big. We try to cut 5 acres but usually have something go wrong. Our hay bill runs about $4000 a year or more. Funding. Dealing with the public. The biggest challenge, having to say, no. That’s the hardest. We rescue for life and that includes medical care, shelter and food. We have had to stop taking anymore in even though we have room. That’s the hardest.
Appreciate you sharing that. What else should we know about what you do?
I spend 24/7… 365 days a year providing care to over 100 rescues.
I’m proud that everyone receives all they need. I watch some of the most angry rescues come in, receive love and let their guards down. It’s truly remarkable.
I’d say I specialize in poop pickup and I’m OK with that. It’s my therapy.
How do you think about luck?
Bad luck.
Being so devastated after a 19 year marriage ending, brought me right here. A whole new life. Doing exactly what I’m supposed to be doing.
Contact Info:
- Website: https://Www.4themsanctuary.org
- Instagram: @4themsanctuary
- Facebook: 4Themsanctuary