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The Change-Makers: stories that inspire

The heart of our mission is to find the amazing souls that breathe life into our communities. In the recent weeks, we’ve had the privilege to connect with some incredible artists, creatives, entrepreneurs and rabble rousers and we can’t begin to express how impressed we are with the incredible group below. Check out our favorite stories from across the Voyage family.

Carolynn Clemons

I was a local high school biology teacher prior to becoming a registered nurse. I truly enjoyed being a teacher, but had a strong desire to get into the more clinical aspects of the topics I was teaching. I went to UT-Knoxville to attain my BSN and started my nursing career in critical care. I have worked in the ICU my entire career and absolutely love it! I am continuing to work at the bedside as I grow my aesthetics business, Rewind Aesthetics.  Read More>>

Jessica Morris

My journey to managing a wedding venue is a bit unconventional, but it’s been an exciting adventure. I spent over a decade in the media industry, primarily in marketing, working with renowned brands like HGTV and Magnolia Network. During that time, I honed my skills in understanding audiences, crafting compelling narratives, and creating memorable experiences that resonate with people.

In 2015, when my sister-in-law decided to get married on the family farm it sparked an idea. Morris Springs had been in my husband’s family for generations, and seeing it transform into such a beautiful setting for her wedding inspired us to consider its potential as a venue. What began as a one-time event soon grew into a full-fledged business, driven by our family’s deep love for the land and commitment to preserving its legacy. Read More>>

Travis Tench

After moving to Knoxville, TN in 2019, it’s been a quick succession of wonderful life changes: my partner and I got married, adopted a dog, bought a house, I started a band and started releasing music I love, started a business producing music and editing audio, and we had a little girl almost a year and a half ago. Of all the jobs and titles I’ve earned and hats I’ve worn, I’m now most proud to be a husband, father, musician and producer. Read More>>

Victoria Frankel

Thus, Validity Science Communications was born, and I have had the privilege to work with many companies and many startups ranging from pharmaceuticals, biotech, healthtech, to medical device and more. Now, I spend my time supporting clients nationwide and internationally build up their commercialization strategies for their innovative products (while upholding the integrity of their science), and supporting local startups in Knoxville through mentorship and advisorship roles. Read More>>

Arshay Stewart

This was extremely hard for me. I lost my full time job, I was in and out of the emergency room and I just wasn’t myself! I struggled every single day accepting my new normal. It was not easy at all! I had to learn this new me and what came with it. Taking medication everyday, not being able to participate in certain things, or just missing out on things I wanted to do! Read More>>

Gia Reed

My apprenticeship was incredibly tough. Unfortunately, my mentor was inappropriate with myself and some of his other apprentices. I put my head down and ignored everything until I could get out of there. I have some regrets about staying as long as I did and for ignoring it like I did, but I know that stuff happens for a reason. Read More>>

Nick Marlow

In December of 2022, I was invited to be a special guest artist for the Jerry Lee Jamboree at Barley’s Knoxville, a tribute show put on to honor the great Jerry Lee Lewis who had passed away earlier that year. Up until that point I had been playing various open mic nights and showcases, trying to make a name for myself locally with my original songs, but I was having a hard time finding paying gigs. I have a rich background of blues and boogie-woogie piano playing, but had long since put the brakes on that kind of music simply because I never thought I would find an audience for it. Read More>>

Jess Bless

I have been a singer all my life. I started in the church. In 2020, I moved to Knoxville not knowing anyone but my baby brother. On January 16, 2021, my brother invited me to go out with him to one of his co workers partner’s gig at this place called DRINK. We went and to my surprise they k ew a little bit about who I was. The group’s name was Meloh Soul. They just so happen to sing Tennessee Whiskey by Chris Stapleton and that is one of my favorite songs.  Read More>>


Kristi Dance-Kinkead and Amanda Colin

It all started in a shopping mall parking lot one warm & humid afternoon at a local boot camp class when Kristi told Amanda that Amanda’s lunge sucked and she was going to hurt herself if she kept doing it the wrong way. We’ve been excellent friends pretty much ever since. LOL especially since Amanda marched her happy self up to Kristi several weeks later and showed her the perfect forward lunge! Read More>>

Travis Manley

After much prayer and seeking advice, I decided to make the jump. I learned quickly that the ebbs and flows of a start-up were very different than an established company. I still work for the software company, and we have been through multiple CEOs, Investors, and Leadership. That brings us to the year 2020. Once the Covid pandemic was in full-swing, I decided I needed a backup plan in case something happened with my full-time job. Read More>>

Meg Alyn Brumlow

I am a professional recording artist and songwriter. I am most proud of my 8 song EP called Piece by Peace. It took me about 6 months to record and release. What sets me apart from others, is that I can write a song about other people’s stories too. One of the songs on my EP, Rose, is about Gabby’s story from the Bachelor. I hope to become a ghost writer and write songs for other people. Read More>>

Sandra Parsons

We have established drop off locations for folks and then we deliver them to Care Cuts in early November. We have hosted 5 food packs that packed over 125,000 meals for Second Harvest as well. The group members can share their causes and needs in the FB page and typically someone will step up. We are a casual group and not an organized 501 (c)3 and have no desire to be. The beauty of our group is there is no pressure, guilt or expectation for anyone to participate. We have expanded to a chapter in Blount County as well. Read More>>

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